Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Happy Family Trip to Penang | 槟城全家乐

Went for a tea-break before checking into hotel
Checked into g Hotel
由于酒店附近走路5分钟就到著名的小吃夜市Gurney Drive,6点多check in 后一家大小就走去。想不到已经是人山人海了。


当晚吃了蚝煎,炒果条,云吞面,鱿鱼Kang Kong,五香灌肠等等。觉得味道一般,只有云吞面的面条带有弹性。




Everyone enjoying the durians, even the kids!

晚上来到海边的《海尾海鲜》(Hai Boey Seafood),三个孙在海滩玩得不亦乐乎,大人也同时欣赏黄昏景色。当天刚好是澳洲龙虾的促销,于是就点了,还有大肉蟹,深海鱼及其他小吃。一伙儿8大3小又吃又喝,只花了马币700多元。对于来自新加坡的我们,真是既美味又经济。




Saturday, 25 February 2012

Moses Recommendation 美食好介绍 | 灯 AKARI Japanese Dining & Bar

 星期六傍晚到Marina Bay Financial Centre 的日本餐馆Akari Japanese Dining & Bar。发现和前此在周日中午来用餐时不一样。也许是金融商业中心,周末没上班,人潮显然少很多。而到了夜晚,更是人烟稀少。反倒是到海边吹海风的人多了很多。


Went to Akari Japanese Dining & Bar at Marina Bay Financial Centre on Saturday. Perhaps it's located right in the middle of the financial centre, plus its a non-working day, the crowds seems to be must lesser than before, tho there's quite a crowd for the seaview nearby.
We ordered a few dishes, and what was presented to us were plates of Zen-filled delight!

日本餐典型鱼生 ~ 厨师安排了5种鱼片,上桌时以被摆盘吸引,吃起来片片新鲜甜美。
Otsukuru 5 Shu Moriawase - 5 kinds of sashimi platter - お造り 5種盛り合わせ
~ Specially arranged by the chef, attractive presentation and every slice was a taste of freshness!

餐馆的招牌菜炸猪软骨 ~ 第一眼看上去有如炸猪扒。但入口一咬,香酥滑爽的猪软骨富有咬劲,令大家一口接一口。
Soku Tatsuta Age - Deep fried simmered tender pork soft rib-bone - 
~ A restaurant signature, at first glance, it looked like pork chop. But one bite into it was a satisfying crisp soft rib-bone, it's hard to resist taking a 2nd piece!

厨师特地安排一道烤tuna,上桌时,有人还以为是牛肉,因为tuna四周烤成棕褐色,中间却是粉红色,有如medium raw的牛肉。入口即化,人人赞好。
The Chef specially arranged a dish of grilled tuna. When served, we all mistook it as beef because its grilled all round leaving the middle portion raw, just like that of medium raw beef. Taste was excellent! 
Wagyu Steak with homemade garlic soya sauce - 和牛のステーキ 自家製にんにく醤油で 
~ An authentic plate of wagyu steak with just the right size, together with their homemade garlic sauce makes the perfect combination.

甜品是红豆沙加水果及麻薯丸 ~ 不太甜,以温热 呈现,和一般吃冰甜品有另类舒服的味蕾感觉。
Mochi Zenzai - Sweet red bean soup with rice cake and fruits - 
餅入り ぜんざい フルーツを添えて
~ Not too sweet and served warm, quite a change from the usual cold dessert, it actually sits very well in the stomach!
 另一道甜品是冰凉的莴苣面条搭梅柚子汁 ~ 清爽舒畅。
Kuzukiri - Noodle jelly with homemade sourplum and citrus sauce 
くずきり 自家製梅柚子ソースで
~ Refreshing!

Akari Japanese Dining & Bar
8A Marina Boulevard #01-02
Singapore 018984
Tel: 6634 0100

Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Moses Recommendation 美食好介绍 | 巴生肉骨茶 Port Klang Bak Kut Teh




很多年前也曾经在我国介绍过巴生乾肉骨茶,可惜后来换了业主,连口味也变了。这次又有机会品尝到巴生肉骨茶,可见与巴生肉骨茶有缘。最重要还是 - 好味!好吃! 赞!! 

I've always been a huge fan of Bak Kut Teh in Malaysia. Simply because in a claypot, there's pork ribs, pork belly and many other spare parts (innards). Together with the chinese herbs makes an extremely tasty dish.

Every trip to Malaysia, I'll always find a chance to try the local Bak Kut Teh. And a trip to Port Klang means I must have their local Bak Kut Teh. 

Its a pleasant surprise to know that the famous Port Klang Bak Kut Teh is available in Singapore. Mainly because the chef had personally went to Port Klang to pick up the skills & acquired the genuine recipe of this specialty. No wonder it tastes almost exactly like those in Port Klang. The only slight difference is that the fragrance of the Chinese Herbs are not as strong as those in Port Klang, which is perfect for those who do not really like the herbal taste. 

Many years ago, I've introduced a certain Port Klang Dry Bak Kut Teh in Singapore, but too bad, with a change in management, it also loses its flavour. Its good to be 'reunited' with this wonderful dish again. Most importantly, this is absolutely GOOD!

Ho Heng Claypot Bak Kut Teh
(Opposite Chinese Garden MRT station)
Blk 349, Jurong East Ave 1 #01-1215
Singapore 600349

Sunday, 1 January 2012

Happy Family Trip to Guangzhou, Panyu | 广州.番禺全家乐

At Changi Airport



Checking out the White Tigers





烧鹅在我国少有,当晚一只烧鹅分两大盘,不消片刻就“美人照镜”。有趣的一道蛋肴称为“初生蛋 ”。听说是把母鸡第一次生的蛋拿来煎荷包蛋。有趣有趣!





